Submissions from Domenico D'Aubry

[1]  faKiv:2404.08817 [pdf]
On the quantum phase transition in a non-equilibrium quantum field theory
Comments: 13 pages, LaTeX, 4 figures

In non-equilibrium quantum mechanics, the quantum phase transition is a non-equilibrium process in which a point particle is either trapped in the phase of a non-equilibrium quantum field theory or is excited by a quantum field theory. We show that a quantum phase transition can occur in the presence of a cross-over current. However, in the presence of a cross-over current, the quantum phase transition is unstable and must be used with care. We discuss the implications of this conclusion for the possibility of a phase transition in the context of the quantum phase transition in a non-equilibrium field theory.

[2]  faKiv:2404.08872 [pdf]
The structural impedance of the Higgs-matter sector of the black hole
Comments: 35 pages, 4 figures

The structural impedance of the Higgs-matter sector of the black hole is studied. The structural impedance for a non-attractor black hole is computed for a spherical black hole in the presence of a dynamical metric which defines the black hole's geometry. The resulting impedance is found to be the same as the black hole's acoustic impedance. For a classical black hole, the problem of the structural impedance is solved. The cost-effectiveness of the Higgs-matter sector is also reviewed.