Submissions from R. J. M. Alves

[1]  faKiv:2405.08264 [pdf]
The geometrical nature of the $2+1$-dimensional Higgs model
Comments: 12 pages, 1 figure

It has been known that the Higgs model in the $2+1$-dimensional has a non-local geometry which is consistent with the experimental results of the Higgs experiments. In this letter we prove that the Higgs model in the $2+1$-dimensional has an algebraic structure of Geometrical Leibnitz type and that the Higgs field theory is a Geometrical Leibnitz field theory. In the case where the Higgs field theory is a Geometric Leibnitz field theory, the Higgs model is constructed, and we show that it obeys the Higgs formula. In particular, we compute the $2+1$-dimensional Higgs model in the $2+1$-dimensional Geometrical Leibnitz field theory and it is shown to be a Geometric Leibnitz field theory.