Submissions from Pavel A. Khlopov

[1]  faKiv:2404.08328 [pdf]
Energy partition functions in gravitational waves
Comments: 35 pages, 3 figures

We study the energy partition function of a nonlocal field theory with a graviton, graviton derivative, and a scalar field in the vicinity of the source of the gravitational wave signal. We identify the partition function of gravitational waves that is based on the energy of the scalar field and the energy of the graviton. We derive the partition function for gravitational waves with a scalar field, the one that is commonly used in the literature, and a scalar field in the vicinity of the source. We find that the energy of scalar fields in the gravitational waves is proportional to the mass of the scalar field.

[2]  faKiv:2404.08509 [pdf]
Statistical mechanics and the goodness of the random matrix model: a note on the non-perturbative approach
Comments: 18 pages, 2 figures

We study the random matrix model by studying its properties and its connection to the statistical mechanics of classical random matrix models. We discuss its computational properties, and show that its goodness theorem holds for any realistic lattice model with a finite number of integrands.