Submissions from M. V. Stepanyantz

[1]  faKiv:2405.08261 [pdf]
A simple family of two-parameter family of BMSF$_3$-models
Comments: 17 pages, 2 figures, version accepted for publication in EPJC

We study two-parameter family of BMSF$_3$-models in the presence of the renormalization group flow. We demonstrate that, although the models are equivalent in the presence of the flow, they are not equivalent in the presence of the spin. This implies that the models have different dimensions and are independent on each other's parameters. We calculate their entropy.

[2]  faKiv:2405.08474 [pdf]
Entanglement between the space of gravitons and the space of photons in the presence of energy
Comments: 6 pages, 6 figures

We study the entanglement between the space of gravitons and the space of photons of a heavy and a light quark-proton-vacuum-proton system in the presence of energy in the vacuum geometry. We first investigate the entanglement between the space of gravitons and the space of photons of the heavy quark-proton system. We find that the entanglement between the space of gravitons and the space of photons is hidden in the vacuum geometry, but is revealed in the vacuum geometry in the presence of the energy. In addition, we observe that there exists a hidden entanglement between the space of gravitons and the space of photons between two distinct points in the space of gravitons. The hidden entanglement is strongly suppressed in the vacuum geometry.