Submissions from Guo-Liang Chen

[1]  faKiv:2405.07686 [pdf]
Entanglement entropy of a compact of entangled scalar fields in a $D$-dimensional Riemann-Sennholtz model
Comments: 54 pages

We study the entanglement entropy of a compact of $U(1)$ scalar fields in a $D$-dimensional Riemann-Sennholtz model, in the presence of a $D$-dimensional Schwarzschild radiation. We consider the entanglement entropy of the compact in the presence of two spatial dimensions in the $D$-dimensional Riemann-Sennholtz model. We find that the entropy of the compact is independent on the spatial dimension of the scalar fields. In the second order model, we find that the entropy of the compact depends on the spatial dimension of the scalar fields.

[2]  faKiv:2405.08847 [pdf]
On the spectral and time dependence of the decay of the Higgs field
Comments: 42 pages, 9 figures

We investigate the spectral dependence of the decay rate of the Higgs field in a Schwarzschild black hole. In particular, we discuss the performance of the decay rate in the spectral regions of the black hole and with the time of the black hole.