Submissions from Giorgio Benini

[1]  faKiv:2405.08105 [pdf]
Holographic coherence in non-perturbative gravity
Comments: 14 pages, 3 figures, to appear in the proceedings of the 20th International Conference of Geodesics and Physics, Mediterra, Italy, August 29-31, 2018

In the presence of non-perturbative effects, dynamical coherence in non-perturbative gravity is often discussed. We focus on the case of non-perturbative gravity with the potential term $\alpha$ containing the scalar components of Einstein gravity. We find that in the presence of a scalar field, the coherence is a logarithmic function of the scalar field energy and the curvature. The coherence then evolves in the background of a massless scalar component. We investigate the coherence function of the scalar component of Einstein gravity and find that the coherence is a logarithmic function of the scalar component of the scalar field. We show that it depends on a parameter which corresponds to the scalar component of Einstein gravity in the presence of a massless scalar component.