Submissions from Krishna P. Yadav

[1]  faKiv:2405.08189 [pdf]
The Thrift Factor in Noncommutative Hall-Branes
Comments: 11 pages, 8 figures, LaTeX, no figure included

We investigate the Thrift Factor in Noncommutative Hall-Branes with a noncommutativity. In this case, the noncommutative algebra is treated with a constant as well as a four-point function. The noncommutativity of the algebra is broken by the presence of a zero-mode component during the step-by-step construction of the algebra, and we find that the function of the noncommutativity factor in the form of a function of the noncommutativity factor is obtained. We also find that the noncommutativity factor in the form of a function of the noncommutativity factor is constant.