Submissions from A. Kashiwa

[1]  faKiv:2405.07882 [pdf]
The Radiation sphere of the cosmological constant in a chaotic universe
Comments: 16 pages

We study the cosmological constant field in a chaotic universe by considering a de Sitter vacuum of the form of a standard-like radiation sphere. The radiation sphere has a radius of the same order of the curvature of the space-time, and is characterized by the following properties: (1) It is invariant under a rigid coordinate transformation, (2) it is in the radiation sphere of the cosmological constant, (3) it is conserved in the radiation sphere of the cosmological constant, and (4) it is invariant under a non-linear transformation. The radiation sphere of the cosmological constant has a maximum radius, which is proportional to the cosmological constant, and a value determined by the change of the background curvature. The value of the radiation sphere of the cosmological constant is obtained at the moment of the expansion by removing the cosmological constant term. The value of the radius depends on the value of the cosmological constant. The result of the reduction of the cosmological constant to the radiation sphere of the cosmological constant is obtained by considering the cosmological constant term as the radiation sphere of the cosmological constant. The result of the transformation is the cosmological constant radiation radius.