The Bunch-Bill Elasticity for Conformal Scalar Fields

Alberto Gomez-Sanchez, Marco Giacosa
Comments: 18 pages, 7 figures

We study the Bunch-Bill Elasticity (BGE) for conformal fields in the framework of the topologically twisted version of the AdS/CFT correspondence. We first study the BGE of the conformal scalar field background in a zero-temperature state, and then construct a canonical conformal field theory with its BGE fixed to zero in the presence of the zero-temperature field. We show that in the presence of the zero-temperature field BGE is always zero for all values of the temperature. This implies that the BGE for the conformal scalar field is always zero for all temperatures. This implies that the BGE for the conformal scalar is always zero for all dimensions. This implies that the BGE for the conformal scalar is always zero for all dimensions.