Submissions from A. Mallikaraj

[1]  faKiv:2404.08558 [pdf]
Inflationary dynamics of Gauged Malpighi models
Comments: 15 pages, 11 figures, minor modifications, version to appear in Phys. Rev. D

We study the dynamics of Malpighi models in the presence of a background parameter $\varphi$ and its corresponding cosmological constant $\Lambda_c$. We study the time evolution of the gravitational wave spectrum after inflationary epoch. We obtain the non-perturbative value of the scalar fields in the Malpighi model and also determine the uncertainties in the non-perturbative evolution. We find that the uncertainty is proportional to $\sqrt{(\Lambda_c^2/\lambda)}$ and that the calculations of the scalar fields always yield the same non-perturbative value for $\lambda$ and $\Lambda_c$.