Submissions from Eduardo A. G. S. Soto

[1]  faKiv:2404.07325 [pdf]
Doping the radiation

We investigate the behavior of a simple unitary vector field in four dimensions and its perturbative solution in two dimensions. In the limit where the field is "taken away" from the unitary vector equilibrium state, the action of the theory is given by the space of solutions which is in turn given by the Hilbert space of the Poincare group. We find that for a given set of solutions, the perturbative solution is a completely determined by the space of solutions of the Poincare group. In a particular case, the solution has an infinite set of solutions in the Poincare group of the same sign as the fundamental Hamiltonian, but only a finite set of solutions in the Poincare group of the opposite sign. We show that the Poincare group is a one-parameter family of noncommutative integrals.