Bunch and Ray Numbers in Black Hole Evaporation and Calculations

Yuta Hayashi, Hirotaka Yamazaki

We study the behavior of all kinds of Bang-bang-Ray-Mills (BBRMs) in black hole evaporation in the presence of a cosmic string. We study the BBRM equations in the presence of a cosmic string, finding that the BBRM equation is a B-parameterized equation of motion in the vicinity of the black hole horizon. In addition, we find that the Ray Numbers (RN) in the black hole are proportional to the space-time coordinates that are oriented perpendicular to the black hole horizon. The resulting equations of motion for a BBRM are given by the B-parameterized version of the B-parameterized equation of motion from the B-parameterized B-parameterized equation of motion. Moreover, we identify the BBRM reaction time and find that it is proportional to the space-time coordinates that are oriented perpendicular to the black hole horizon. We also consider the properties of the BBRM reaction time in the presence of a cosmic string, finding that the BBRM reaction time is proportional to the space-time coordinates that are oriented perpendicular to the black hole horizon.